Seashine Wiki

The following is a list of achievements in the game Seashine. There are 11 achievements in the game Seashine.

List of achievements[ | ]

Icon Name Description Points
Autodidact Finish the tutorial 10
Botanist achievement
Botanist Break 50 planterns 10
Elite Survivor Score 500 points 80
Food chain achievement
Food Chain Trick 10 piranhas to their death by a giant monster 25
Full of Stars Collect 10 stars 25
Letter cleaner achievement
Letter Cleaner Clear all the Letters of Seashine during the tutorial 10
Newborn achievement
Newborn Play 10 games 5
Novice Survivor Score 20 points 5
Strong Will Escape from a carnivorous plant 5
Treasure Hunter Collect 10 chests 20
Veteran Survivor Score 100 points 20